Tuesday is the last day to register to vote in the UK General Election

Those eligible in the United Kingdom have until thus Tuesday, 18 June to ensure they are registered to vote in the upcoming General Election.

Most people should already be on the Electoral Register, but if you’ve recently moved, you may not yet be. You can check by contacting your Local Electoral Registration Office. You can find their contact details by entering your post office on this online page. This is for England, Scotland and Wales. The page has a different link for voters in Northern Ireland. 

You can also update your registration, for example your name.

Registering to vote in the General Election on Thursday, 4 July, 2024, couldn’t be easier. Simply complete this online form – it will take less than five minutes.

Who can register?

You can only vote in the General Election if you’re 18 or over. However, you can register earlier than that.

If you live in England and Northern Ireland:

You must be aged 16 or over.

You can register to vote if you’re a British citizen or an Irish citizen.

You can also register if you have permission to enter or stay in the UK, Channel Islands or Isle of Man – or you do not need permission – and you’re a:

Commonwealth or EU citizen:

A citizen of Denmark, Luxembourg, Poland, Portugal or Spain, or a citizen of another EU country, if you have had permission to enter or stay – or not needed permission – since 31 December 2020, and this has continued without a break.

If you live in Scotland:

You must be aged 14 or over.

You can register to vote if you’re a British citizen or an Irish citizen.

You can also register if you have permission to enter or stay in the UK, Channel Islands or Isle of Man, or you do not need permission.

If you live in Wales:

You must be aged 14 or over.

You can register to vote if you’re a British citizen, Irish citizen or a citizen of an EU country.

You can also register if you have permission to enter or stay in the UK, Channel Islands or Isle of Man, or you do not need permission.

You can vote when you’re 18 or over. If you live in Scotland or Wales, you can vote in some elections when you’re 16 or over – check which elections you’re eligible to vote in.

You normally only need to register once – not for every election. You’ll need to register again if you’ve changed your name, address or nationality.

Register online before the deadline

Click here to register to vote online. The deadline to register for the 4 July Election in Tuesday, 18 June 2024 by 11.59PM.