Tag: anti-Turkish

HP News
Barnet Council rejects accusations of “institutionalised racism” against Turks in the borough

The Leader of Barnet Council Barry Rawlings has rejected accusations from local residents of Turkish and Turkish Cypriot descent that the local authority is “racist”, calling them “unsubstantiated claims” at a recent council meeting. Councillor Rawlings’ comments prompted an angry exchange with a group of residents present in the public gallery. The council leader was […]

As a resident, I’m fed up with Barnet Council normalising anti-Turkish bias and hate. It’s time to speak out!

I’m a Londoner of mixed Turkish and Turkish Cypriot descent, who has lived in the London Borough of Barnet for twenty years. Like many other British Turks inside and outside of this north London borough, I have seen my local authority’s relentless anti-Turkish and anti-Turkish Cypriot bias over many years. It’s gotten to the point […]

HP News
BBC responds to criticisms about its “anti-Turkish” Cyprus 1974 coverage

The BBC has issued a statement regarding its coverage of the 1974 War in Cyprus on Monday, which has generated hundreds of complaints from Turkish Cypriots. The British state broadcaster accepted it “could have included more historic context in the TV piece to help the audience understand the story further” but stopped short of offering […]

HP News
The Guardian ‘cancels’ Turkish Cypriot author Metin Murat

British Turkish Cypriot author Metin Murat has been ‘cancelled’ by The Guardian after an article he submitted was rejected for failing to adhere to the newspaper’s anti-Turkish house style on Cyprus. Murat, who recently published his debut novel The Crescent Moon Fox that won praise from both Greek and Turkish Cypriots for its sensitive treatment of […]

HP News
Anti-Turkish bias: BBC called out for misleading claims on Turkey during its COP26 coverage

A BBC report on Turkey’s environmental record has been criticised for using “out of date” information. Reporting from the COP26 Climate Change Conference in Glasgow, BBC Political Editor Laura Kuenssberg mistakenly placed Turkey in the same bracket as major polluters China and Russia, and also wrongly tweeted that “Turkey is one of the countries that […]