Millennials of today are moving away from Facebook. Some would assume it’s due to trendier social media platforms being the new ‘go to’ place to post pictures of your flaming mangal in gif form, or snaps of last night’s Regency wedding extravaganza using an array of different filters.
Well the truth is, it isn’t.
They are trying to escape the social media monsters they created when they showed their mums how to set up a Facebook profile.
Now teyze, yenge, hala and both nenes have caught wind and there is no turning back!
Hundreds of messages a day, private conversations made public, and invites to play Farmville! And don’t get us started on the animated Bayramınız Kutlu Olsun meme that pops up in your inbox every Bayram.
Facebook has become their new way of snooping on people in the köy without leaving the misafir odasi. The all-seeing eyes are truly always watching, from their window (and iPhone)!