Part thanksgiving, part counter-protest – an event that every British Turkish Cypriot should attend this Saturday

This Saturday, 20 July, marks the fiftieth anniversary of Turkiye’s vital intervention in Cyprus, which liberated Turkish Cypriots from a decade of conflict and brutal oppression, and created a lasting peace on the island.

Turkiye’s military operation, which ran until 16 August 1974 was prompted by an Athens-backed coup in Cyprus on 15 July 1974 that installed mass murdering EOKA fighter and avowed anti-Turk Nicos Sampson as president. Using its Guarantor rights, five days later the Turkish army intervened and successfully repelled the coup forces, whilst creating a safe zone for Turkish Cypriots in northern Cyprus.

Nearly 500 Turkish soldiers laid down their lives in the process, while several thousand more were injured during the 1974 War – a sacrifice that seems even more poignant given the events in nearby Gaza, where no country has sought to send in its troops to end the carnage.

To commemorate this important milestone and the liberation of Turkish Cypriots, two organisations – the British Turkish Cypriot Association (BTCA) and Embargoed! – will be holding an event outside the Turkish Embassy in central London on Saturday evening to say “thank you” to the country that came to save Turkish Cypriots in their hour of need, whilst at the same time countering a protest being organised by anti-Turkish hate group the National Federation of [Greek] Cypriots.

British Turkish Cypriots and other supporters are encouraged to bring their Turkish and Turkish Cypriot flags, drums, whistles and banners to the event, which will run from 6pm to 9pm in Belgrave Square.

A spokesperson for human rights group Embargoed! said: “For years, Greece and the Southern Greek Cypriot administration have spread propaganda about Turkey. Every year, they protest that Turkey should not have intervened in the slaughter of Turkish Cypriot people. Every year, we do nothing.

“This year, as we mark the 50th anniversary of Turkey’s intervention, we have decided to disrupt their protest by showing up!”

Embargoed! urges Turkish Cypriots to “Show up with us and make your voice heard. Together, we can challenge misinformation and stand up for the truth.”

Event Details

Title: Commemorating 50th anniversary of the Turkish intervention in Cyprus

Date: Saturday 20 July 2024

Time: starts 6pm, ends 9pm

Location: Turkish Embassy, 43 Belgrave Square, London SW1X 8PA

Nearest tube: Hyde Park Corner (Piccadilly Line)