Dear T-VINE,
I am a Greek Cypriot citizen living in the Greek Cypriot part of Cyprus (South). I am writing to you because I want relations between Turkey and the Greek Cypriot part of Cyprus to be better.
Don’t forget that we are all humans and we must respect each other, to have love for each other, so there can be peace between humans and countries. We must also help each other. We, the humans, have been created to love and show our love to others, and to help and respect each other.
We must make the first step, so that Turkey and the Greek Cypriot part of Cyprus can have direct relations and become friends.
Forty four years are too many and we have to break this wall which separates us. Human life is too short to have hatred and racism.
Peace on Earth. Love, respect, and let’s help each other. Thank you.
Yours faithfully,
Name and address withheld, South Cyprus
(Contact details sent, but not published by T-VINE on request of the author of the letter)
Image above of the Green Line or dead zone in centre of Nicosia, Cyprus. Photo © iStock/Tzogia Kappatou