Category: HP News

HP News
Tech giant Apple adds an innovative touch to Atatürk’s Children’s Day

Children are the future of any nation and must therefore be cherished and nurtured. That was the view of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, the founding father of modern Turkey who founded Children’s Day back in 1927. It grew out of National Sovereignty Day, established on 23 April 1923, which commemorated the country’s move from Sultanate rule […]

Bob Geldof and his Boomtown Rats rock Mağusa, North Cyprus

  Eastern Mediterranean University’s annual Rock ‘n’ EMU festival has pulled in some major headliners since its inception, but none as big as the band that performed last night. Led by globally renowned Sir Bob Geldof, veteran Irish punk rockers The Boomtown Rats took to the stage in a packed stadium in Mağusa/Famagusta, eastern Cyprus, […]

HP News
EU-Turkey Rapporteur Kati Piri: “there will always be dialogue”

On Tuesday, 11 April, I visited Brussels to interview the European Parliament Rapporteur for Turkey Kati Piri MEP. Ms Piri is a member of the European Parliament from the Netherlands and part of the parliamentary Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats. As the Turkey Rapporteur, she is the parliament’s closest follower of […]