Category: HP News

HP News
Support T-VINE Magazine – special reader appeal

Can you help with our special reader appeal? T-VINE Magazine is a free publication and relies on subscriptions, advertising and other commercial revenues to cover its costs. We started out as a ‘labour of love’ project in April 2013, to give British Turks a voice and an opportunity to read news about their community, Turkey […]

HP News
North Cyprus lose to Padania in CONIFA Euro Cup final

  There was plenty of drama in the final game of the CONIFA European tournament at the Atatürk Stadium in Lefkoşa, North Cyprus. The hosts lost 5-3 to the reigning champions Padania following a penalty shootout on Saturday evening. Padania, representing a region of northern Italy, took the lead in the 25th minute. North Cyprus […]

General Election 2017: Turkish candidate makes clip for UK’s largest party, the CBA

  Continuing our series on Turkish candidates standing at this General Election, we turn the spotlight on Naz Osmanoglu who has been capturing national media attention with his appearance in a party election broadcast for the CBA. CBA stands for ‘Can’t Be Arsed’ and, according to Osmanoglu’s clip, they represent the “silent majority, the unheard […]

HP News
Lib Dems say: “give the TRNC a fair chance”

    Members of both the Labour and Conservative parties have launched repeated attacks on the Turkish Cypriots, ever since Turkey’s armed intervention of 1974 in Cyprus. None of these attacks has ever been condemned by the Prime Minister of the time, despite the UK’s position as a Guarantor, or defender, of the rights and […]

Countdown begins to UK’s 1st Turkish Cypriot Cultural Festival

  With less than three weeks to go, excitement is building for the first Turkish Cypriot Cultural Festival, which will be held at the Chingford Rugby Club in East London on Sunday 25 June – the first day of Ramazan Bayramı. Organised by the Council of Turkish Cypriot Associations UK (CTCA UK), or Konsey as […]

HP News
CONIFA Euro Cup 2017 gets underway in North Cyprus tonight

  A European football tournament for nations and territories excluded by FIFA kicks off this evening, with the hosts North Cyprus facing Kárpátalja in the opening match at the Atatürk Stadium in Lefkoşa. The winner of the CONIFA Euro Cup 2017 will be crowned in the TRNC capital next Sunday. A total of eight teams […]

HP News
“Alarm and dismay” over silence on new Ercan regulations

  Since June 1st, passengers flying Pegasus between North Cyprus and the UK have been forced to undergo a new security regime that requires them to get off the plane and be re-screened in Turkey. The new measures have been forced on Cyprus’ largest tourist carrier by UK authorities concerned about a growing range of security […]